This project is a Concept art project I undertook while at University. The project was one that I designed to develop my reportage skills along side concept design. The concept being Falmouth underwater.

Another concept art project that I completed during university was one based on the film 'Avatar' (2008). Within this project I designed flora and fauna as well as animals. The illustration I have shown here is a concept landscape for an Avatar 3 which would be based in a colder more forest like climate.

Above and Below are some character designs that I drew during my free time. I especially like these because I think they look unique.

This is a personal project I underwent during lockdown. It was a project which was attempting to express the feeling of being alone but constantly being surrounded by thoughts.
This was another personal project I created during lockdown. The project was very emotional for me as I was using it to help me work through an emotional attachment to food which was fuelling an eating disorder.

A lot of Artworks I created during Lockdown were there to help me process emotions I feeling. The above artwork was me attempting to push myself into using a new style and colour palette which I actually ended up really enjoying.

Below is a series of Illustrations that I created with the theme of 'The magic of Autumn/Winter'.

This is an extension of a previous project I have shown on this page about the emotional effect of Lockdown

To see any more of my Artworks visit my Illustration Instagram page @nelly.guard.illustration